Preterism and Spiritual Gifts (Part 1) |
07/11/21 |
Preterism and Spiritual Gifts (Part 2) |
07/18/21 |
Preterism and Spiritual Gifts (Part 3) |
07/25/21 |
Preterism and Spiritual Gifts (Part 4) |
08/01/21 |
Preterism and Spiritual Gifts (Part 5) |
08/15/21 |
Understanding Scripture Pt 1 (Proverbs 2:1-5) |
10/11/20 |
Understanding Scripture Pt 2 (John 10:1-16) |
10/18/20 |
Eternal Punishment Pt 1: Hell? No! (Matthew 5:21-30) |
09/30/18 |
Eternal Punishment Pt 2: Luke 16 and Hell |
10/07/18 |
Eternal Punishment Pt 3: Immortality and Hell |
10/14/18 |
Spiritual Warfare Pt 1: Yahweh vs the gods (Ephesians 6:10-12) |
01/18/15 |
Spiritual Warfare Pt 2: Yahweh's Divine Council (Ephesians 6:10-12) |
01/25/15 |
Spiritual Warfare Pt 3: Serpent or Shiny One? (Ephesians 6:10-12) |
02/01/15 |
Spiritual Warfare Pt 4: Satan in the Old Testament (Ephesians 6:10-12) |
02/08/15 |
Spiritual Warfare Pt 5: Satan in the New Testament (Ephesians 6:10-12) |
02/15/15 |
Spiritual Warfare Pt 6: Sons of God & the Nephilim (Genesis 6:1-4) |
05/03/15 |
The Hebrew Roots Movement (Pt 2) (Acts 15:1-19) |
05/18/14 |
The Hebrew Roots Movement (Pt 1) (Colossians 2:16-17) |
05/11/14 |
The Four Blood Moons, John Hagee & the Second Coming - Part 1 (Acts 2:14-21) |
01/05/14 |
The Four Blood Moons, John Hagee & the Second Coming - Part 2 (Revelation 1:18) |
05/04/14 |
The Afterlife - Part 1 (Matthew 22:23-33) |
08/25/13 |
The Afterlife - Part 2 (2 Corinthians 5:1-9) |
09/01/13 |
The Afterlife - Part 3 (1 Corinthians 15) |
09/08/13 |
Did Yeshua Really Teach That? (Part 2) (Matthew 5:43-48) |
07/21/13 |
Did Yeshua Really Teach That? (Part 1) (Matthew 5:38-42) |
07/14/13 |
A special eye-opening series on the Feasts of the Lord
Fundamentally, these Seven Feasts represent and typify the sequence, timing, and significance of the major events of the Lord's redemptive career. They commence at Calvary, where Yeshua voluntarily gave Himself for the sins of the world (Passover), and climax at the consummation of the Messianic Kingdom at the Lord's Second Coming. These Seven Feasts depict the entire redemptive career of the Messiah.
Feasts of the Lord - Prequel: The Sabbath Rest (Leviticus 23:1-3) |
04/14/13 |
Feasts of the Lord - Part 1: Feast of Passover (Leviticus 23:4-5) |
04/28/13 |
Feasts of the Lord - Part 2: Feast of Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23: 6-8) |
05/05/13 |
Feasts of the Lord - Part 3: Feast of First Fruits (Leviticus 23: 9-14) |
05/12/13 |
Feasts of the Lord - Part 4: Feast of Pentecost (Leviticus 23: 15-22) |
05/19/13 |
Feasts of the Lord - Part 5: Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23: 23-25) |
05/26/13 |
Feasts of the Lord - Part 6: Feast of the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:26-32) |
06/02/13 |
Feasts of the Lord - Part 7: Feast of the Day of Atonement (Pt. 2) (Leviticus 23:26-32) |
06/09/13 |
Feasts of the Lord - Part 8: Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23: 33-44) |
06/16/13 |
Daniel 12 and the Resurrection Part 1 (Daniel 12) |
08/19/12 |
Daniel 12 and the Resurrection Part 2 (Daniel 12) |
08/26/12 |
Where's the Charisma? Pt. 1 (Romans 12:6-8) |
07/22/12 |
Where's the Charisma? Pt. 2 (Romans 12:6-8) |
07/29/12 |
Where's the Charisma? Pt. 3: Speaking in Tongues (Romans 12:6-8) |
08/12/12 |
Creation Set Free Part 1 (Romans 8:18-25) |
10/23/11 |
Creation Set Free Part 2 (Romans 8:18-25) |
10/30/11 |
Creation Set Free Part 3 (Romans 8:18-25) |
11/06/11 |
Creation Set Free Part 4 (Romans 8:18-25) |
11/13/11 |
In Adam or In Christ Part 1 (Romans 5:12-14) |
06/12/11 |
In Adam or In Christ Part 2 (Romans 5:15-17) |
06/19/11 |
In Adam or In Christ Part 3 (Romans 5:18-21) |
06/26/11 |
A Destructive Gospel, Part 1 (2 Corinthians 12:7-10) |
01/27/08 |
A Destructive Gospel, Part 2 (Revelation 2:8-11) |
02/03/08 |
Matthew & the Second Coming Part 1 (Matthew 3:1-12) |
07/06/03 |
Matthew & the Second Coming Part 2 (Matthew 10:23, 16:27-28) |
07/20/03 |
Matthew & the Second Coming Part 3 (Matthew 24:34, 26:64) |
07/27/03 |
Where's Your Heart? Part 1 (Matthew 6:19-21) |
02/16/03 |
Where's Your Heart? Part 2 (Matthew 6:22-24) |
02/23/03 |
The Church's Priority Part 1 (2 Timothy 4:2) |
02/24/02 |
The Church's Priority Part 2 (John 13:35) |
03/03/02 |
Liberty & Unity Part 1 (Romans 14:1) |
11/25/01 |
Liberty & Unity Part 2 (Romans 14:2-12) |
12/02/01 |
Liberty & Unity Part 3 (Romans 14:13-15) |
12/16/01 |
Liberty & Unity Part 4 (Romans 14:16-23) |
01/13/02 |
Liberty & Unity Part 5 (Romans 15:1-7) |
01/27/02 |
Liberty & Unity Part 6 (Romans 15:7-13) |
02/10/02 |
Body Life - Part 1 (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) |
05/20/01 |
Body Life - Part 2 (Philippians 2:17-30) |
05/27/01 |
Body Life - Part 3 (James 2:1-9) |
06/03/01 |
Pleasing God Part 1 (John 8:29) |
10/01/00 |
Pleasing God Part 2 (Proverbs 15:8) |
10/08/00 |
Pleasing God Part 3 (1 Peter 1:15-16) |
11/26/00 |
Salvation's Security Part 1 (Romans 5:12-14) |
03/05/00 |
Salvation's Security Part 2 (Romans 5:15-17) |
03/12/00 |
Salvation's Security Part 3 (Romans 5:18-21) |
03/19/00 |
Salvation's Security Part 4 (Romans 6:1-11) |
03/26/00 |
Paedobaptism? Part 1 (Galatians 3:26) |
11/21/99 |
Paedobaptism? Part 2 (Hebrews 8:6-10) |
12/19/99 |
Grace Giving, Part 1 (Philippians 4:14-19) |
10/10/99 |
Grace Giving, Part 2 (Philippians 4:14-19) |
10/17/99 |
Spiritual Stability, Part 1 (Philippians 4:1-3) |
07/11/99 |
Spiritual Stability, Part 2 (Philippians 4:4-5) |
07/18/99 |
Spiritual Stability, Part 3 (Philippians 4:6-7) |
07/25/99 |
Spiritual Stability, Part 4 (Philippians 4:8) |
08/22/99 |
Spiritual Stability, Part 5 (Philippians 4:9) |
09/12/99 |
Salvation by Works? Part 1 (James 2:14-17) |
06/13/99 |
Salvation by Works? Part 2 (James 2:18-26) |
06/20/99 |
Grace, Part 1 - Our Need, God's Provision (Selected Scripture) |
03/07/99 |
Grace, Part 2 - Delivers from Judgment (Selected Scripture) |
03/14/99 |
Grace, Part 3 - A Parable of Grace (Matthew 20:1-15) |
03/21/99 |
Grace, Part 4 - Our Motive is Gratitude (Selected Scripture) |
03/28/99 |
Grace, Part 5 - Law & Grace? (Selected Scripture) |
04/11/99 |
Grace, Part 6 - Grace, Liberty and License (Selected Scripture) |
04/18/99 |
Grace, Part 7 - All Sufficient (2 Corinthians 12) |
05/16/99 |
Grace, Part 8 - Appropriating Grace (Selected Scripture) |
05/23/99 |
Trusting God Part 1 (Hebrews 11:6) |
07/26/98 |
Trusting God Part 2 - God's Sovereignty (Selected Scripture) |
08/02/98 |
Trusting God Part 3 - God's Sovereignty (Selected Scripture) |
08/09/98 |
Trusting God Part 4 - God's Sovereignty (Selected Scripture) |
08/23/98 |
Trusting God Part 5 - Our Responsibility (Selected Scripture) |
08/30/98 |
Trusting God Part 6 - The Wisdom of God (Selected Scripture) |
09/13/98 |
Trusting God Part 7 - The Goodness of God (Selected Scripture) |
09/20/98 |
Trusting God Part 8 - The Love of God (Selected Scripture) |
09/27/98 |
Trusting God Part 9 - Choosing to Trust God (Selected Scripture) |
10/04/98 |
Introduction to the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24:1-2) |
11/23/97 |
Their Questions (Matthew 24:3) |
12/07/97 |
Gospel Preached to all the World? (Matthew 24:4-14) |
12/14/97 |
The Abomination of Desolation (Matthew 24:15-20) |
12/21/97 |
The Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21) |
01/11/98 |
The Night the Lights Went Out in Israel (Matthew 24:22-29) |
01/18/98 |
The Sign of His Coming! (Matthew 24:30-31) |
02/01/98 |
This Generation (Matthew 24:32-34) |
02/08/98 |
Global Holocaust or Covenantal Change? (Matthew 24:35) |
02/15/98 |
A Third Coming? (Matthew 24:36-42) |
02/22/98 |
Watch-Be Ready! (Matthew 24:42-51) |
03/08/98 |
The Foolish Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13) |
03/15/98 |
The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) |
03/22/98 |
Judgement of the Sheep & Goats (Matthew 25:31-46) |
04/05/98 |
The Influential Christian Part 1 (Selected Scripture) |
05/17/98 |
The Influential Christian Part 2 (Selected Scripture) |
05/31/98 |
The Influential Christian Part 3 (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) |
06/07/98 |
The Influential Christian Part 4 - Maximum Influence (Selected Scripture) |
06/14/98 |
Fundamental Disciplines Part 1 - Bible Study (Selected Scripture) |
02/08/98 |
Fundamental Disciplines Part 2 - Prayer (Selected Scripture) |
02/15/98 |
Fundamental Disciplines Part 3 - Fellowship (Selected Scripture) |
02/22/98 |
Fundamental Disciplines Part 4 - Being Salt and Light (Matthew 5: 13-16) |
03/01/98 |
A National Plague Part 1 - HOMOSEXUALITY (Selected Scripture) |
08/10/97 |
A National Plague Part 2 - ABORTION (Selected Scripture) |
08/17/97 |
The Victor's Triad Part 1 (Hebrews 10:19-25) |
11/19/95 |
The Victor's Triad Part 2 (Hebrews 10:19-25) |
11/26/95 |